Two headed cow mutation give birth alive

Two headed calf was born in a remote area at Shaijin Vill. in Liushui county, South West China.
Villagers were shocked after hearing the news. Farmer Gan Ynanhua, who saw it first, said he heard the cow making odd noises,then he knew it's about to give birth. " I thought the cow will give birth to a twins when i saw two head and did not realized it was a mutation", he added.
FREAK: The calf died shortly after work
"It was an unusual genetic mutation" said Xu Kaiwen, a local vet who has been practicing for 30 years. Giving birth with two heads is called Polycephaly, and it occurs both on human and animals. Common cause is when two identical twins started to form from the same egg but didn't correctly separated instead they share the same body.
Most cases with Polycephaly die soon after birth.
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