The lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on
either side of the chest. It is one of the vital organs of the human body, that
we all know will result to death if not properly taken cared off. Smoking and
air pollution are the major factors that make our lungs deteriorated. In recent
studies, lung diseases are among the top causes of death. We all deserve to
breathe fresh air. On the same note, we all deserve healthy lungs.
There are a lot of food supplements available in the market
that promise to sustain our lungs, but who will not choose the natural way,
right? The steps below will surely make your lungs detoxified and enjoy eating
healthy at the same time.
Two days prior the detoxification, it is necessary to avoid intake
of all dairy products, because the body requires to get rid the toxins from
those products first before the start of the purification. Before the first day,
drink one cup of herbal tea before sleep. It will help release the pollutants in
the intestines. The lungs must not be overloaded with difficult work of any
other part of the body during the purification.
- Drain two lemons in 300 ml. of water before breakfast.
- Drink 300 ml. of grapefruit juice or pineapple juice depending on your taste. They contain natural antioxidants that improve the breathing system.
- Drink 300 ml. of pure carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. It helps you alkalize the blood during the three days of purification.
- You have to drink 400 ml. of juice rich in potassium during lunch. Potassium acts as a tonic for cleaning. At night before sleep, make 400 ml. of cranberry juice.
- Live a healthier lifestyle and exercise.
- Treat your body with a warm bath. This will aid you body in releasing toxins through sweat.
- Put 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus in a bowl of boiling water. Stand over the dish and place a clean towel over your head. Inhale the steam until it cools.
Millions of people die due to lung failure. Breathing is one
of the sources of life. So, you might need to think twice before puffing cigarettes. Follow those steps and make your lungs healthier if you do not want to
experience your last breath soon.
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Source: Thehealtyarchieve
Source: Thehealtyarchieve
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