The benefits of a foot bath using milk and baking soda

The problem with dry and cracked feet is that most people tend to treat it as a health condition rather than hygiene negligence. Acute crack in the heels can lead to serious ailments, but this is more of a beauty care than anything else. If you fail to treat your feet in the early phases of dryness, It can lead to severe discomfort in this area.

In some cases, crack may even cause skin infection. If you find yourself in this situation, make sure you give your feet extra attention. One of the easiest and most effective remedies that some people swear by is mixing milk and baking soda together as a foot bath ingredient. Here is some information about the benefits and uses of these natural ingredients for your feet.

To prevent your dry feet from worsening ( like bleeding or cracking ) make sure you begin caring for them as soon as you notice the skin getting hardened.

Although there are many safe and effective over the counter remedies that give good results, but they can't be used over the long term. The simplest way to cure your dry or cracked feet is by using a safe home remedy rather than ointments or creams.

Milk is one of the best known natural moisturizers for the skin. A warm foot soak on a daily basis in recomended for people suffering from chronic dry feet. Add a cup of hot milk to foot bath to experience softer skin. If you prefer using powder milk add two cups to your bath while it's filling.

Lactic acid, the main ingredient in milk is full skin softening properties for a resilient and smoother skin. Lactic acid acts similarly to alpha hydroxyl acid, which is found in expensive foot lotions and creams. This compound dissolves the proteins that stick to dead skin cells. It's ideal for soothing burns after spending to much time tanning in the sun.

The process of using milk with baking soda couldn't be easier. If you perform this treatment regularly ( on a weekly basis ) you will see great results in no time. Here is how to create the perfect soak.

Start by warming up the milk on the stove but avoid boiling as this will destroy the essential compounds that are found in milk.

You can use between three to four cups, depending on the size of your saucepan and your feet. Next pour the milk into a container that's suitable for soaking your feet in. Make sure you soak your toes in the warm milk bath for at least ten minutes before grabbing the baking soda. Sprinkle a handful of the powder lightly into your foot bath and mix it well by gently moving the soda around the bowl with your feet.

Give plenty of attention to the dry or cracked areas where your skin feels harder or thicker. These areas include the buttom of your heels. underneath the toes, and the balls of the feet. The tops of your feet and ankles should not be forgotten, even if they're not dry or cracked. These are the parts that require most attention as they endure many hours in sandals or flip flops. Remember to use your hands by massaging plenty of the mixture into the affected areas.
Once you are completely happy with your scrubbing, dry feet throughly with a towel. For ever better results, consider adding pure honey to your milk and baking soda foot bath the next time you soak your dry feet in this mixture.

Source : Youtube
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