Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey have been threatened in a 25-minute video posted on social media site Telegram by a group calling itself the "sons of the Caliphate army." The group vows to retaliate against attempts by the social media companies to close accounts belonging to supporters of ISIS.
The video was discovered by analysts at media and tech company Vocativ in the deep web, not accessible by standard search engines, and shows images of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the head of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, at one point covered with bullet holes.
According to Vocativ, the video is titled "Flames Of The Supporters," and ends with a direct threat to the two CEOs.
"You announce daily that you suspend many of our accounts, and to you we say: Is that all you can do? You are not in our league," text on the video clip reads. "If you close one account we will take 10 in return and soon your names will be erased after we delete your sites, Allah willing, and will know that we say is true."
In the video, the hackers claim they control more than 10,000 Facebook accounts, 150 Facebook groups and 5,000 Twitter profiles.
Twitter reported, earlier this month, that it suspended 125,000 accounts since the middle of last year for "threatening or promoting terrorist acts, primarily related to ISIS."
"We condemn the use of Twitter to promote terrorism and the Twitter Rules make it clear that this type of behavior, or any violent threat, is not permitted on our service," the company wrote in a blog post.
Facebook has said that it works to ensure that terrorists don't use the site, and that it removes content supporting terrorism.
"There is no place for terrorists on Facebook," company spokesman Andrew Souvall told "Wired" magazine. "We work aggressively to ensure that we do not have terrorists or terror groups using the site, and we also remove any content that praises or supports terrorism."
A Twitter spokesperson told "The Guardian" that threats against Dorsey are so common they won't be releasing an official response. Facebook has not commented on the video.
Source : MIRROR
Source : MIRROR
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